

sickle_cell_servicesSickle Cell Services

By Bedford, Louis & Ellicott, LLC

The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. (SCDAA) has released The Sickle Cell Services Mobile App. It provides members of the SCD community access to a database of medical and support services, national news, live message feed from SCDAA and also incorporates a messaging board and photo submission functionality.

The Sickle Cell Services App is available for download on the iTunes App Store & Google Play.


voiceVOICE Crisis Alert

By Mast Therapeutics, Inc.

The VOICE Crisis Alert mobile a sickle cell disease crisis tracking and communicating app with useful features that are easy to use. With a tap, users can record their sites of pain and the level of severity in addition to the date, time, and attempted intervention. The pain crisis can be communicated with pre-entered contacts. Additionally, users can customize clothing, hair style, shoes, and skin tone to create your in-app identity.

To learn more about, visit:

Voice Crisis is available for download on the iTunes App Store & Google Play.


POMSPOMS: Prevention of Morbidity in Sickle Cell Anemia

By GoMed Solutions

The POMS: Prevention of Sickle Cell Anemia app helps users track their daily pain and symptoms.

POMS is available for download on the iTunes App Store.



By Health Engagements, LLC

The sickleWell mobile app allows participants to manage their illness through improved self-efficacy and compliance with prescribed regimens through alerts, reminders, & education modules.

sickleWell is available for download on the iTunes App Store.



By: AddMedica

The Sickle-O-Scope app allows participants to keep a daily diary of illness and disease symptoms to sickle cell disease patients. Users can also share their data with a doctor if possible using Sickle-O-Scope. The app maintains medical confidentiality as none of the data recorded by the applications is sent to or stored on any server or cloud-based service, but is kept only on the user’s device.

Sickle-O-Scope is available for download on the iTunes App Store.

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