
Reducing Complications of Therapeutic Blood Transfusion in Sickle Cell Disease

Video teaching course for CEU/CME

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Activities are designed to increase knowledge and change competency of transfusion practices and strategies for individuals with hemoglobin disorders.  Content is derived from actual peer-reviewed publications.

February 27, 2014: The Discovery and Early History of Sickle Cell Disease

Dr. Todd Savitt, Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University


January 23, 2014: An Overview of Sickle Cell Disease Activities in Angola

Dr. Russell Ware and Dr. Patrick McGann, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


November 6th, 2013: Sickle Cell Scientific Symposium-James R. Eckman, MD

Words of Thanks to Dr. James Eckman Christian Larsen, MD, Phil J. William Eley, MD, MPH


A Medical Home for Sickle Cell Disease

Allan F. Platt, PA-C, MMSc


Mechanisms for SCD Neurocognitive Impairment and Options for Treatment

F. Daniel Armstrong, PhD


Water, Water Everywhere, and Still the Cells Did Shrink…Red Cell Dehydration in Sickle Cell Disease

Clinton Joiner, MD, PhD


Renal Complications of Sickle Cell Disease: Progress and Promise

Antonio Guasch, MD


Sickle Cell Disease: Lessons Learned in the Past Four Decades

Abdullah Kutlar, MD


Clinical Aspects of Sickle Cell Disease: A Coat of Many Colors

Kathryn Hassell, MD


Transfusion Consequences: Good, Bad and ??

Cage Johnson, MD


Closing Remarks and Special Presentations

James Eckman, MD


November 7th, 2013: Improved Survival of Children & Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease

Dr. Charles Quinn, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center


October 24, 2013: Hydroxyurea: Efficacy and Responsiveness in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia

Dr. Winfred, St. Jude Research Hospital

September 26, 2013: The Road to Evidence Based Management of Sickle Cell Disease: Expert Panel Report

Dr. Joylene John-Sowah, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH


August 22, 2013: Mental Health & Learning Needs in Children with Sickle Cell Disease

Dr. Patricia Kavanagh, Boston University School of Medicine/Boston Medical Center


July 25, 2013: Nurses’ Impact on the Stigmatization of Individuals with Sickle Cell: Challenges & Recommendations

Dr. Coretta Jenerette, International Association of Sickle Cell Nurses and Physician Assistants


June 27, 2013: Beta-globino haplotype analysis in children with sickle cell anemia

Dr. Christopher Bean, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, CDC


May 23, 2013: Baby on Board: What you Need to Know about Pregnancy in the Hemoglobinopathies

Dr. Sophie Lanzkron, Sickle Cell Center for Adults at Johns Hopkins Hospitals


April 25, 2013: Building Behavioral & Social Science Research Databases: Lessons from the Hemoglobinopathies

Dr. Robert Yamashita, California State University San Marcos


March 28, 2013: Strategies to Improve Implementation of Hydroxyurea

Dr. Courtney Thornburg, Duke Pediatric Sickle Cell Clinic


February 28, 2013: Disparities in Sickle Cell Disease Care, Disentangling the Roles of Race, Place, and Disease State

Dr. Carlton Haywood Jr., Johns Hopkins University


October 25, 2012: RusH Strategies from the Field Data Collection

CDC’s Division of Blood Disorders and RuSH Project States


September 27, 2012: Quality Improvement in Sickle Cell Disease

Dr. James Moses, Boston Medical Center


August 23, 2012: Translating Research into Policy

Dr. Shawn Bediako, University of Maryland, Baltimore County


June 28, 2012: Sickle Cell Trait – What Every Community Based Organization (CBO) Needs to Know

Dr. Lanetta Jordan, Memorial Regional Hospital


May 24, 2012: Sickle Cell Disease and Emergency Department Use Public Health Webinar on Hemoglobinopathies

Dr. Paula Tanabe, Duke University


March 22nd: RuSH Strategies from the Field Health Promotion

CDC’s Division of Blood Disorders and RuSH Project States


February 23rd, 2012: Medical Home Model for Sickle Cell Disease: A New Paradigm for Healthcare Delivery

Dr. Michael DeBaun, Vanderbilt University


January 26th, 2012: Transition of Care for Sickle Cell Disease – Pediatrics to Adult Care

Dr. Ify Osunkwo, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta


October 27, 2011: Hydroxyurea for Sickle Cell Disease

Dr. Nancy Green, Columbia University Medical Center


August 25, 2011: A New Approach to Sickle Cell Family Education on Bone Marrow Transplantaton

Dr. Lewis Hsu, Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders


July 28, 2011: Transfusion Issues for Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia Patients

Dr. Rebecca Kruse-Jarres, Tulane University School of Medicine


May 26, 2011: Vitamin Deficiency in Sickle Cell Disease

Dr. Ify Osunkwo, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta


March 24, 2011: Iron overload in Children with Sickle Cell Disease

Dr. Tom Adamkiewicz, Morehouse College School of Medicine


January 27, 2011: Sickle Cell and Education

Dr. Simon Dyson, De Montfort University