
besaferx_300x250Before you consider purchasing prescription medicines from an online pharmacy, especially one that’s not associated with a health insurance plan or local “brick and mortar” pharmacy, check out FDA’s BeSafeRx – Know Your Online Pharmacy website and resources.

Fraudulent online pharmacies can manipulate their websites to appear legitimate, so FDA recommends you always confirm that an online pharmacy is licensed in the United States. Fake online pharmacies use sophisticated marketing efforts or phony web storefronts to appear legitimate.  Patients who buy medicines from these fake websites may be putting their health at risk because the products may contain the wrong ingredients, or too little or too much of the active ingredient, or they might be made with other harmful ingredients.

The BeSafeRx – Know Your Online Pharmacy website offers resources for consumers, health professionals, and organizations on the risks of purchasing medicines from a fake or fraudulent online pharmacy, how to identify them, and how to find legitimate online pharmacies. The site offers an easy-to-use interactive map tool that lets you locate a state-licensed online pharmacy, providing a quick way to ensure the site you order from is safe and legal. You can also find fact sheets, videos, stickers and other materials there.

BeSafeRx – Know Your Online Pharmacy, because when it comes to buying prescription medicines online, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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