
Sickle Cell Newsletter for December 2016

  News   Crizanlizumab for the Prevention of Pain Crises in Sickle Cell Disease The up-regulation of P-selectin in endothelial cells and platelets contributes to the cell–cell interactions that are involved in the pathogenesis of vaso-occlusion and sickle cell–related pain crises. The safety and efficacy of crizanlizumab, an antibody against the adhesion molecule P-selectin, […]

Sickle Cell Newsletter for October 2016

  News   Gene therapy for sickle cell disease passes key preclinical test- Decades-old discovery about fetal hemoglobin is on track for clinical trial in the coming year A precision-engineered gene therapy virus, inserted into blood stem cells that are then transplanted, markedly reduced sickle-induced red-cell damage in mice with sickle cell disease, researchers […]

Sickle Cell Articles in Black Magazines

Ebony and Jet have highlighted news stories that are marketed specifically towards African-Americans since 1945 and 1951 respectively.  Because sickle cell trait and disease affects many African-Americans, it has been covered in several articles in both Ebony and Jet magazines. According to the National Institute of Health, about 1 in 13 African-American babies are born with sickle cell trait and about 1 in 365 black children are born with sickle cell disease. In this section, we have summarized a few articles from a myriad of magazine articles from over several decades that discuss sickle cell.  These articles raise sickle cell awareness, highlight individual actors and organizations that have made a difference, share information, personal stories, and more.

World Sickle Cell Day 2016 Photo Gallery

Courtesy of Fédération Française des Associations de Malades Drepanocytaires et Thalassemiques Website: Instagram: @fmdtsosglobi   Courtesy of Sickle Life Website: Instagram: @sickle_life Courtesy of Sickle Cell Ireland Website: Instagram: @sicklecellireland  

Sickle Cell Newsletter for September 2016

  News   Landmark Article in New England Journal of  Medicine Health experts have long believed that sickle cell gene variants, which occur in about 1 in 13 African-Americans, increase the risk of premature death, even when people carry only a single copy of the variant. But health records of nearly 50,000 active-duty U.S. Army […]