Congress: H.R.1807 – Sickle Cell Disease Research, Surveillance, Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2015 - This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to require the Department of Health and Human Services to make grants to states to: (1) collect data on the prevalence and distribution of sickle cell disease, (2) conduct sickle cell disease public health initiatives to improve access to care and health outcomes, and (3) identify and evaluate strategies for prevention and treatment of sickle cell disease complications. Read more at Congress.gov

Teaching About Genetics and Sickle Cell Disease in Fifth Grade - A 5-lesson, 5th-grade instructional unit, "Genetics and Sickle Cell Disease," was developed and tested as part of a 40-lesson curriculum. These results showthat genetics and sickle cell disease can be taught successfully in 5th grade, although they are not typically covered at this level.