
Photos from It’s in the Blood! A Documentary History of Linus Pauling, Hemoglobin, and Sickle Cell Anemia

These images were pulled from the It’s in the Blood! A Documentary History of Linus Pauling, Hemoglobin, and Sickle Cell Anemia  which was originally put together by the Special Collections  & Archives Research Center at Oregon State University.  The documentary provides a closer look at Pauling’s work in blood biochemistry and molecular disease primarily through narratives, timelines, media, and primary documents. Click on the image to left to view some of the pictures from the collection.

Sickle Cell Newsletter for February 2016

Antiplatelet Drug Doesn’t Reduce Pain of Sickle Cell Anemia Children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia who received the adenosine diphosphate–directed antiplatelet agent prasugrel had no significant reduction in painful vasoocclusive crises compared with those who received placebo, found a trial conducted in 13 countries (Heeney MM et al. N Engl J Med. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1512021 [published […]

Sickle Cell Newsletter for January 2016

UAB Adult Sickle Cell Clinic receives $1 million from Sickle Cell Foundation There has been a dramatic change in sickle cell disease treatment outcomes in our lifetimes. In the early 1970s, being diagnosed with this genetic disorder was more like receiving a death sentence. Children were not expected to live past the age of 16. […]

Sickle Cell Newsletter for December 2015

Gene Therapy is on the Way “Bubble baby” stem cell treatment looks like a cure and paves way for Sickle Cell Disease Treatment The first therapeutics based on genome-editing tools will treat diseases caused by single genes, but many other factors dictate what is currently possible. Data Back Transplant as Cure for Sickle Cell More […]

Sickle Cell Newsletter for November 2015

Sickle cell disease cure in sights of UAB Stem Cell Institute See more at: Chevron Boosts Its Support Of The Angola Sickle Cell Initiative Chevron Corp. is continuing its support of the Angola Sickle Cell Initiative by committing an additional $5 million endowment over the course of five years. The oil and gas […]

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse id vehicula risus, vitae rutrum sapien. Suspendisse finibus rhoncus dapibus. Quisque tincidunt nibh ut elit viverra, non fermentum magna pretium. Morbi felis lacus, fermentum et lacinia in, pretium vitae magna. Aenean convallis at quam aliquet gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed laoreet […]

Sickle Cell Disease – A Lethal Advantage: Video Series from the Open University

The History of the Sickle-Shaped Cell – Sickle Cell Disease: A Lethal Advantage (1/5) This is the first part of a video series from Open University. This video tracks the history of sickle cell beginning with the very first diagnosis. ​Sickle Cell and the Gene – Sickle Cell Disease: A Lethal Advantage (2/5) The second part […]

Photograph of Dr. Clarice D. Reid

This is a photograph of Dr. Clarice D. Reid who was the pediatrician who led the National Sickle Cell Disease Program at the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute with the National Institute of Health.

U.S. Postage Stamp (2004)

In 2004, the U.S. Postal Service created this stamp as part of a program to raise public awareness on sickle cell disease.

Photograph of Dr. Marilyn Gaston

This is a photo of Dr. Marilyn Gaston who is internationally recognized for her work on sickle cell and helping children manage the illness.

Johns Hopkins University: Vision of Hope-Integration of Palliative Care in Chronic Pediatric Disease

The Vision of Hope curriculum was motivated by a commitment to integrate the principles of pediatric palliative care to sickle cell disease and duchenne muscular dystrophy. Pediatric Palliative Care seeks to provide evidence-based curricular materials to institutions. It incorporates emotional, spiritual, developmental, and physical dimensions creating a holistic approach to care. The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute has created 11 modules to help guide healthcare providers on this approach. Scroll down on the linked page and click the sickle cell link to view the different resources.

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In this video, watch the inspirational story of Billy Garret Jr. who is balancing life as college-level basketball athlete at DePaul University and life as a sickle cell patient. Billy Garrett Jr. was awarded the 2014 Big East Rookie of the Year and is a two-time Big East All-Academic Team member.  Billy Garrett Jr.  encourages other sickle cell patients to feel empowered to do what anything they want.

MedlinePlus en Español

La anemia falciforme es una enfermedad en la que su cuerpo produce glóbulos rojos con forma anormal. Las células tienen forma semilunar o de una hoz. Estas células no duran tanto como las normales, los glóbulos rojos redondos. Esto causa la aparición de anemia. Las células falciformes también se atascan en los vasos sanguíneos y bloquean el flujo. Eso puede provocar dolor y lesionar los órganos.

Lee más aquí

Sickle Cell Anemia Life by Ed Jenkins

Ed Jenkins shares his story living with sickle cell anemia at the University of Minnesota Medical School. He discusses how he responds to sickle cell crisis, and what he has learned from his experiences.

Nicholas’ Story

Nicholas H. and his mother, Bridget, talk about life with sickle cell disease. Nicholas was diagnosed with sickle cell disease soon after he was born. Penicillin, hydroxyurea and other medicines have helped him and his family manage the illness and the severe pain crises that can result in hospitalization.

Damala and Amiel Reid’s Story

Damala & Amiel are siblings are both living with sickle cell disease. While both of the siblings are interested in alleviating human suffering, Damala is more focused on the human aspects while Amiel is focused on the more scientific aspects.

Tiffany’s Story: Living with and Managing Sickle Cell Disease

This video shows how Tiffany, a mother and student, has coped with having sickle cell disease. Tiffany is living with the most severe form of sickle cell disease, sickle cell anemia. After giving birth to her daughter, Tiffany became very sick and was admitted to the hospital many times. In 2009, she began treatment with a medicine called hydroxyurea. Although Tiffany’s brother had taken hydroxyurea and had many side effects, Tiffany’s experience with it has been more successful. Learn more about how she is managing sickle cell anemia and living a healthy lifestyle story by watching this video.

A Letter from Maria Teresa Olivares

Hello there! My name is Maria Teresa Olivares, and I am 40 years old. Now…I has been suffering from Sickle Cell Disease my whole life, I am from Managua, Nicaragua, being a poor country I was diagnosed as a leukemia patient, suffering from hepatitis, kidney infections, liver problems since early age (5), until the age of 22 I was treated like a leukemia patient, I got married, lost my first child, (miscarriage), during my second pregnancy, I had a serious sickle cell crises, the child, my only daughter now 16, was born just fine, it wasn’t until coming to this country, and after a car accident, that the doctors finally said: You have Sickle Cell Disease…

Autobiography of Ingrid Whittaker-Ware, ESQ

I was born in 1962 to Raphael and Muriel Whittaker. The fourth of five children born to my parents, I was raised in the sunny island of Jamaica, and migrated to Atlanta, Georgia in 1980. I was the first girl born to my parents after three boys, so my mother gave me all the names she had been saving up for a daughter. I was diagnosed with sickle cell disease (SS) at eleven months old…

Letter from a 70 Year Old Woman with Sickle Cell Disease

To whomever will listen, I am a 70 year old woman with SC Disease. I had crises regularly as a child. After age 37 and at the onset of a doctor prescribing 10 grains of sodium bicarb daily my crises became few and far between…

A Story from Nigeria

My name is Julia Aruya, I am now 37 years old. I was born in Lagos, Nigeria. Out of 4 children, I was the only one with Sickle Cell Disease…